Pots by Lucie Rie
My response to the collection of Crafts Study Centre started with the idea of investigating the work of Lucie Rie, a process disrupted by the onset of the Covid Pandemic and becoming a reflection on uncertain times.
The work references Ries' use of sgraffito, her mixing of coloured clays, her use of distinctive colour palettes; a bright yellow, a strong blue, pink, glazes with a metallic sheen. The idea of centering oneself (much as a potter centres clay on the wheel) became a component of the work, a reflection of the nature of the times and on the indeterminates that destabilise the context of production. |

Stitch resist, pleated linen, some with woven centres of silk and cotton. Assorted sizes. the largest having a diameter of 50 cms

Homage V - 50 cms diameter
Homage I - 41 cms diameter
In her introduction to the show, Professor Lesley Millar writes;
'Caroline's pieces responding to Rie's work demonstrate the essence of her overall approach, that of setting up oppositional forces. In this case that of containment alongside a sense of a compressed, fugitive force. When the biologist D'Arcy Thompson described that it is possible to see in the form the forces that are acting upon it or have acted upon it in the past, he could have been looking at Caroline Bartlett's work - the edges fairly vibrate with the energy caught within and between the pleats. '
Homage I - 41 cms diameter
In her introduction to the show, Professor Lesley Millar writes;
'Caroline's pieces responding to Rie's work demonstrate the essence of her overall approach, that of setting up oppositional forces. In this case that of containment alongside a sense of a compressed, fugitive force. When the biologist D'Arcy Thompson described that it is possible to see in the form the forces that are acting upon it or have acted upon it in the past, he could have been looking at Caroline Bartlett's work - the edges fairly vibrate with the energy caught within and between the pleats. '
Homage VI - 50 cms diameter

Homage VIII - 45 x 54 cms

Homage III
41 cms diameter
41 cms diameter